The Mexican mole lizard, five-toed worm lizard, or Ajolote lizard (Bipes biporus), is one of four amphisbaenians that have legs (do not confuse with the ajolote or axolotl).
They are pink, 6–9-inch (15–23 cm)-long, lizard-like reptiles that live for one to two years and eat ground-dwelling insects and earthworms.
Their skin is closely segmented to give a corrugated appearance, and like earthworms, their underground movement is by peristalsis of the segments. The forelegs are strong and paddle-like while the hindlegs have disappeared, leaving behind only vestigial bones visible in X-rays.
This species is oviparous and the females lay one to four eggs in July. The species only breeds underground. The eggs hatch after two months.
The Mexican mole lizard lives in Baja California, Mexico. Like all other amphisbaenians, this burrowing species only surfaces at night or after heavy rain.