The Asian leaf
turtle Cyclemys dentata is a species of turtle found in Southeast Asia. They are quite common in the pet trade with its carapace resembling that of a Cuora amboinensis hybrid.
Turtles usually live in freshwater; big or small river that flows slowly. The length of the shell (carapace) to 240 mm, with five pieces of vertebral scales in the middle of his back. Vertebral pieces has paid off (elongated bulge), but it tends to disappear after a full on adult long sequence of bits is 2 = 3 = 4> 5> 1. Neck with elongated lines, yellowish or reddish. The fragments of scales on the plastron.
"Turtles flat" is true (in the trade) is beiyogo (Notochelys platynota); distinguished through vertebral puck to-5 (or 6, the second from the back) is much narrower than the puck before and after. Turtles sun spines or turtle (Heosemys spinosa) had marginal serrations on all pieces, not just the marginal puck in the back.