Sumatera Muntjac is one deer native to Indonesia. Deer is one of four types of deer owned by Indonesia in addition to deer Bawean, timor deer, and sambar deer. Particularly in Indonesia, deer can be found from Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Bali to Lombok.
Hair coat deer
Sumatera Muntjac short, tight, soft and slippery. Fur color varies from dark brown to light brown. At the back there is a line of black deer. Stomach to the throat area is white. While the esophagus color varies from white to brown.
Roebuck has ranggah (horn) is short, not exceeding half the length of the head and forked out as well as canines.
Antelope or deer
Sumatera Muntjac is a solitary animal. Male deer mark territory by rubbing the frontal preorbital glands located on their heads on the ground and trees. In addition stag nails also scratched into the soil or scratch the bark with his teeth as a marker of the region.
Deer species native to Indonesia are usually active at night though often still do the activity during the day. Its main food is the young leaves, grass, fruits, and roots of plants.
Deer are polygamous animals. Deer species has no particular breeding season so that mating occurs throughout the year. Deer females can give birth throughout the year with a gestational age ranging from 6-7 months. In one pregnancy, childbirth deer 1-2 pups.