Flat Headed Cat is one of the animals in Malaysia. Name Felis planiceps science.
Malaysia is one of the 12 countries that have been recognized as a diverse city "mega diversity" in terms of the number and diversity of flora and fauna of the 15.000 known species of flowering plants, 286 species of mammals, more than 1,500 land vertebrates, more than 150,000 species of invertebrates, more than 1000 species butterflies and 12,000 species of butterfly, and more than 4,000 species of marine fish.
Forest Cats are animals that belong to the class of living things, the animal, vertebrate (vertebrates), class of mammals. In order:, belonging to the family. Forest Cats are warm-blooded animals, childbirth, child care, and have hair on your body.
Forest Cat heart consists of 4 rooms as men. Room known as the atrium, while the lower chamber called ventricles
Recently published results of WWF expedition on the island of Borneo in the form of a new species of wild cats with long tails upward. The only evidence of just 2 photos taken by automatic cameras.
The discovery of new species of mammal in Borneo last time this has happened more than 60 years ago.
Unfortunately before they could be studied, is likely to become extinct because the Indonesian government's plan to destroy the core of the island of Kalimantan forests for oil palm plantations.
Does this plan can be canceled?
From the SUN:
A mysterious new creature discovered in the Borneo Rainforest May be Doomed to Extinction already.
The animal, like a large pet cat with red fur and a Bushy tail, may be the first carnivorous Asian Mammal found on the Isle for more than a century.
It was caught by a World Wildlife Fund cameras.
But its habitat, a national park in the Indonesian part of the island, is due to be turned into a Vast oil palm plantation.
The WWF said: "It would be Tragic if this creature, whatever it is, Became extinct before it is even described to science."