Ladybugs gold
Hemiptera is the order of insects which is also known as the Ladybugs. Hemiptera consists of 80 000 insect species such as the katydid, aphids, Gerridae, walang rice pest, and others. They all have special characteristics such as needle-shaped mouth and have not undergone metamorphosis.
Striped Ladybugs
Small insects known as the Ladybugs are not included in the Hemiptera, but included in the order Coleoptera (beetles) because it has a difference in the anatomy and life cycle.
Red Ladybugs
Classification and Naming
The name "Hemiptera" is derived from the Greek hemi (half) and pteron (wing), so if construed as a whole, Hemiptera means "half wing". The name was given because the insects of this Order have the front wing of the hard base such as leather, but the rear was thin as the membrane. This front wing in Hemiptera some members could be folded on top of him and cover the entire rear wing is thin and transparent, while at other Hemiptera members of the unfolded wings were not even flying.
Ladybugs gold
Hemiptera consists of four distinct suborders: Auchenorrhyncha, Coleorrhyncha, Heteroptera, and Sternorrhyncha. Suborder Hemiptera own compiler was initially separated into two distinct orders, the order and the order Heteroptera Homoptera / Hemiptera by looking at the difference in the two wings of an insect member of the Order is the second author. Both the order is finally combined into one order, ie the order Hemiptera which consists of 4 suborders as it is known today with members of the suborder Heteroptera have the highest compiler (up to 25 000 species) whose members are mostly large real Ladybugs Ladybugs-like walang rice pest killers and Ladybugs