Monkey is a term for all members of the primates that are not prosimia ( "pre-monkeys", such as the lemur and tarsier), or apes, both living in the Old World and New World. Until now 264 known monkey species that live in the world. Unlike monkeys, monkey tail and usually smaller. Monkey is known to learn and use tools to help in getting food.
Groupings are parafiletik monkeys, because the Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) is actually closer genetic kinship with the apes (Hominidae), rather than New World monkeys (Platyrrhini).
Biggest mandrill monkeys. Some monkeys in everyday language is also often referred to as monkeys.
Some monkeys have been used as an animal pet humans or animals to help their daily work. Long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) is the most common animals interact with humans and are often kept as a pet animal, circus animals, or laboratory experiments. He was also the first primate ever to outer space. Monkeys kept in several places in Sumatra and Malaya to be trained as coconut pickers.