Dolphin bottle (Tursiops truncatus) is a species of dolphins are most common and best known. Habitat in the warm waters around the world and can be found in almost all waters except the Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean.
Dolphin bottle of gray varying from dark gray at the top near the dorsal fins to the young gray whitish below. This color pattern makes them difficult to see from the top and bottom. Dolphin has a long adult bottle between 2 to 4 feet and weighing from 150 to 650 pounds.
Nose dolphins live in groups bottle. Mother and children adult dolphins are always a strong association in a group, but often a lot of dolphins found in the adult association with other groups. This is what proves that they have a high adaptability so many independently maintained and easily trained because of their high intelligence.
Dolphin bottle nose was able to help drug therapies for some types of diseases, especially motor nerve dysfunction. Including autism and down syndrome or severe depression. Autism is a complex developmental disorder, caused by damage to the brain, or is a neurobiological disorder caused by the influence of biochemical, bad environment, and psychological. Impaired child communication about development, behavior, social skills, and others. Children with autism disorders is known as a person who can not communicate with the nearest ones. Children with autism are also unable to express feelings and desires, often laugh or cry alone.
Parents of a child suffering from autism are generally willing to pay however if his son could be healed. But often very difficult to find the right therapy to cure autistic children.
Penchant for playing dolphins facilitate this animal close to humans. These animals are able to send a series of ultrasonic signals to detect the presence of nearby objects. Larger brains than chimps or apes make animals belonging intelligent.Di dolphin body contained the potential to harmonize the work of motor nerve and sensory autism. Because dolphins have sonar waves can stimulate the human brain to produce energy in the skull, chest, and the patient's spine so as to establish a balance between the right and left brain. Sound waves from dolphin can also increase the neurotransmitters. When interacting with dolphins, hormin endrofin in humans increases. This makes the establishment of a balance between left and right brain.