The cow is a cattle farm family members and Bovidae Subfamily Bovinae. Cows kept mainly for milk and meat used as food. Product, such as skin, offal, and horns are also later used. In some places, cattle are also used to help grow crops, such as pull carts or plows.
Cow cattle today are descended from wild species known as Auerochse or Urochse (German language means "old cow", scientific name: Bos primigenius ), which had become extinct in Europe since 1627. Cow although many kinds of livestock, but generally fall into one species alone.
Beef is muscle tissue obtained from normal cows and commonly used for food consumption. In each area, the use of meat varies depending on the way of processing. For example has the outside, chops and T-Bone is very commonly used in Europe and the United States as a manufacturing material so that the beef steak is a lot traded. But as in Indonesia and in many other Asian countries this meat is used for many spicy foods such as soup and with coconut konro and rendang.
In addition there are several other beef parts such as tongue, liver, nose, tail offal and used only in certain countries as food ingredients.